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On The Other Side Of The Screen

#освітня #сімейна сцена 3-103
  • Duration 45min
  • Cost 200uah
  • Age 3+

A puppet is a common thing made by man. However, on the theater’s stage, it comes to life and becomes a unique person with soul and character. Getting the spark of life into a motionless object is what the puppetry magic all about. Special techniques and skills of a master turn the doll into a living character which makes you believe and feel empathy.
Our master class will allow you to dive into the mysterious world of puppetry and feel like a magician having motionless objects come to life and begin to talk to us. So, we’re inviting you to go to the other side of the theater screen – and learn the secrets of ancient puppetry!

Directed by Yana Tytarenko
Artist – Ulyana Shykh

Adult and children tickets must be purchased separately
Please come to the show on time.

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