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#бейбі сцена 0-3 #освітня
  • Duration 45min
  • Cost 250uah
  • Age 0+

Exclusively for children ages 3 and under


This performance is intended to make the youngest of audiences aware of new objects, concepts, sounds, and the world around them. Through combinations of different textures, colours and movements, young children will be encouraged to observe, learn, and respond. Young children don’t normally enjoy the strain associated with following a plot, but they are sure to enjoy being direct participants in the action. Through this performance, your child will learn to interact with others and remove their fear of being the center of attention. The play was created with due consideration of recommendations from pediatric psychologists, as well as the learned experiences of other international baby theaters.


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Schedule of the performance

There are no shows in this month. Stay tuned.

Schedule of the performance